Sunday, March 13, 2011

RIP POC PC... Say Hello to My New Friend

All I ever wanted was a decent laptop so I could work, play, read email and write stuff.  I don't think that's asking too much.  In the past 8 or so years I have been through at least 4 maybe even 5 PCs -- I've lost count.  The PC in the below pic is fortunately still under warranty but is experiencing death rattles; hence the new silver beauty above it.  And, yes, the amount of money I've sunk into computers lately certainly has to have made a positive dent in our local economy (to the detriment of my checking account) ...oh crap on a crutch.


  1. Well any way Steve Jobs loves you.

  2. My dear Anon - I sincerely hope he treats me better than Bill Gates.

  3. Welcome to the world of Apple.

  4. Is that an IPad? My son bought one last year and he's going to get the latest version soon so I will get his "old" IPad. I can hardly wait.

  5. Didn't you get that one not too long ago??? What the heck are you doing to these poor unsuspecting computers?

  6. Karen - thanks so far I'm enjoying it much more than the PC - we'll see how long this love affair lasts. The world knows technology and I mix about as well as oil and water. LOL ;)

  7. Susan - No it's not an iPad it's actually a MacBook Pro laptop and it's pretty nifty - an iPad is not powerful enough for what I need for work - iPads are fun but I needed much more computing power. You will have fun with the iPad especially if you like to read or watch movies/videos. I just find them cumbersome to carry around and am used to my Kindle for reading. Enjoy - and thanks for stopping by! xoxo

  8. Hey Delaney!! My other PC is still under warranty however it is a piece of crap. I keep taking it up for work and yet the "company" doesn't think the work being done warrants a new computer. Plus much of the time they can't "duplicate" the problem, (bugger-pickin' morons). So it has another year of warranty and the hubs will take it up and have it worked on periodically and he will use it until it completely dies & is replaced or goes out of warranty and then he can buy what he wants. I'm DONE with PCs. DONE. I love this Mac.

  9. I am so glad that you love your MAC. If I ever get a new laptop it is going to be an iPad or a MAC. I am so sick of viruses. I finally for the moment can write comments again. Still can't figure out what was wrong. I keep running virus checks constantly. I think I am now virus paranoid. MAC's are not supposed to get them very often and my sister who just got a Droid phone said she now wishes she had gotten an iPhone because she heard on the news the other day that a lot of the Droid Apps carry viruses.

    Dang virus blood suckers need to go rot in a prison that throws the keys down a deep, deep well.

    Anyway I hope you are doing well.

    God bless.

  10. I do love my MAC - and the funny thing is now that I've given my old PC to Devoted Spouse suddenly it works fine!! So, it IS me!! I'm the electronic jinx in the household -- electronics mysteriously break down around me. Ack. LOL xoxo P.S. I have a Droid phone and I have an antivirus app on it that checks every app - I also have an antivirus especially made for MAC on my new laptop - one can never be too secure! xo

  11. I got to hand out a few Versatile Blogger Awards, and I had to give you one!!!

    And it's a real Award, not just nonsense I made up!!!

  12. I see the last one is an ASUS which is what I am using as I type. When I bought it last year I was on the fence about a MAC but decided I didn't want to spend the money. I feel confident the next one will be a MAC. Good luck!
