Thursday, April 1, 2010

Crap...No, Really it's Crap

Devoted Spouse takes EmmaLou, Golden Destroyer for a walk to check neighborhood peemail every morning.  Like the good citizen he is, he takes along some paper and a plastic bag in case EmmaLou makes a poop deposit along the way he can clean it up.  The issue is what Devoted Spouse then does with that plastic bag of poop.  I am not making this up...on his way into the house via the garage, he casually tosses the bag toward our bushes in front of our house - really he does!  It drive me insane to walk by the house and see various plastic bags of poop just laying in the mulch next to a bush and behind one of the perennials. Look closely at the pic and you will see a white plastic bag and a blue plastic bag.  This is in the FRONT of our house so anyone coming to our front door must pass by the dog poop-container walk of shame.   Regardless of how much I pester him Devoted Spouse persists in this behavior and refuses to pick up the bags until the evening prior to Trash Truck Day.  Gah...  Oh crap on a crutch!


  1. OMG That is CRAZY. Does he really think you would never find those baggies of poop????
    Sweetie, I don't think DS is smoking tobacco. He just might be smoking something ELSE. LOL LOL
    (Just kidding)

  2. Wacky tobacky? LOL He just likes to take his time getting it to its proper home in the big green trash can that is RIGHT ON THE WAY INTO THE GARAGE... he is sooooo gonna hate me for this posting. LOL

  3. Sorry I know it must be frustrating but it is so funny, I can just see him now tossing that "goodie" bag over his shoulder after a walk.

    My sister and I used to walk our dogs together and I would always put Wombles poop bags in a carrier bag but my sister always put her bags in her coat pocket.

    I asked her once if she wanted to used my carrier and would you believe she actually said "no thanks, they keep my hands warm"

    Isn't that the most awful thing you have ever heard. Yuk.

  4. Angel - Ick, ick, ick - keeps hands warm? Oh blechhh. I can now put up with Devoted Spouse tossing the bags in the bushes! LOL

  5. So who, pray tell, does DS think is going to pick this up? The Poop Bag Fairy?

  6. Sandy - Devoted Spouse read this posting and has now mended his ways - he now tosses the bag of poop behind a bush that is on the side of the house close to the trash can where no one will see it - why not in the trash can? Because it will stink it up since trash is only picked up once a week - I have no problem with the little bags being hidden behind the side bush - only my neighbor might see it and they're too busy with their flippin' pool to notice a bag of poop....unless it comes flyin across the fence...bwahahhahaha...

  7. I'm just crazy enough to pick up the bags and put them in Coach's pickup if he was doing this. YIKES! It would be funny if it wasn't so wrong.

  8. Steppinthru - I was tempted to hoist them into his little sports car. bwahahahah - he has since mended his ways and they are at least hidden on side of house behind bush - he says they can't go in trash can coz enclosed space will make for stinky trash. okay - as long as they are out of the front of my house I am happy!
