Thursday, April 15, 2010

Technology 1; Woman 0

All I wanted to do was open my 2 new CDs of Eric Clapton and Bon Jovi - how hard can that be?  Ya know that little pull thingie that's red and like a teeeny tiny string on the edge of the CD and you pull it and the plastic comes off?  Well, it doesn't.  I managed to get the outer plastic off both CDs with just a little frustration.  Then on the top edge is another "Pull Here" sign.  I pulled there and did that strip along the edge come off enabling me to open my CD?  Of course not.  One little piece at a time, 15 minutes, many little pieces of plastic and a broken nail later I finally had both CD's open and ready to load into my mp3 player.  Oh, sure I could have used a knife.  That would have been the easy the last time I used a knife to open a CD not only did I poke my palm bloody, I broke the CD case. Amazing.  Oh crap on a crutch!


  1. I'd send you a pocket knife but I'm afraid you'll cut yourself ;-0

  2. Linda I have a drawerful but I'm not allowed to use them! I'm dangerous around sharp objects...while working a craft project the other night I accidentally stabbed myself in the arm with one of my colored pencils. True. If I'd been able to stay in Girl Scouts I would have earned the Klutz merit badge. :)

  3. Pu-leeeze.
    I can't stand how they torture us.
    My little midget used his sharp little teeth to open a new DVD case.
    Of course it broke.

  4. MsG - at least his teeth didn't break. Plastic is the bane of my existence....okay that and EmmaLou. Oh yeah and sometimes even DS...and now my back again...and that could be a new oh crap on a crutch! ROFL

  5. Do you know they sell little dohickeys to open CDs for $1.49? They are in cahoots with the CD companies.

  6. It's the principle of the thing - I WILL open them if it kills me...LOL
