Thursday, April 8, 2010

We're Still Being Invaded

Yes it rained again.  And no I'm not alone - I'm surrounded by worms in the hallway - little buggers are still climbing in over threshold to take comfort in my home.  And EmmaLou, Golden Destroyer is ignoring them.  Great golden huntress.  She'll eat a dead bird but ignores a worm on the move.  Gah.  Devoted Spouse was supposed to get new weatherstripping.  Guess who hasn't done that yet?  Here are a couple of new varmints.  And below you will see Devoted Spouse's solution to worm invasion.  I would prefer he put in the new weatherstripping.  Oh crap on a crutch!


  1. Not too many things freak me out but having worms crawling into my house would. Get the weatherstripping.

  2. Gross! Every spring we have these little things that look like worms but have legs (not a centipede) that crawl in. I find them alive and crawling or dead curled up in a circle. I don't know what they are or how they get in but they drive me insane. Maybe we need new weatherstripping too.

  3. Sandy - I don't mind the worms - I mind that Devoted Spouse hasn't gotten to the weatherstripping yet - and I noticed today some boards are coming loose on the back fence and about a thousand other little things that need to be fixed or mended around here. It just never ends. Crap on a crutch girl.

  4. Stepping - Ewww I like worms - but I don't like things that crawl and curl up too. Sounds like some kind of mealy worm or the wormy things that get under your lawn. Or the ones that turn into Japanese beetles. Ick. Bugs - don't like 'em. 'Cept for ladybugs. okay and regular worms. Everything else ick. Especially silverfish - I had one crawl across the bed the other night and I almost had a heart attack! Where the heck did HE come from and why was he in my bed? I stripped everything and put on new sheets and checked all around the bed and of course you never can find silverfish - but they are always there lurking in the background. Ack.
